By Mail
Download the voter registration application here.
DownloadFill Out:
Complete the voter registration form, and enroll in the Democratic Party.

Sign By Hand:
Digital signatures on the form will NOT be accepted – you must sign by hand.

Return the completed form by dropping it off at your County Board of Elections office in person or mailing it to:
Board of Elections
32 Broadway, 7 Fl
New York, NY 10004-1609
View Other Registration Option
In Person
You may update your party enrollment in person at one of the 5 Board of Elections Borough Offices or the Executive Office.
Find your nearest BOE office hereThese locations are open M-F, 9am to 5pm.
Make sure to bring appropriate voter ID with you to update your party enrollment. If you cannot provide the last four digits of your social security number on your voter registration application, you must bring a copy of any of the following documents along with your registration application:
- Current utility bill
- Bank statement
- Government check or paycheck
- Government document that shows name and address